Coaching supervision
Service offering is for 6 coaching supervision sessions.
Coach Mentoring
For purposes of credentialing, mentor coaching means an applicant being coached on their coaching skills rather than coaching on practice building, life balance, or other topics unrelated to the development of an applicant’s coaching skill.
I mentor coach to ICF standards (ACC, PCC, MCC) to help applicants for credentialing to become competent within the ICF core competencies.
The ICF is the biggest and most widely known, most highly respected of the coaching governing bodies. Accreditation is stringently assessed and so, when you achieve it, it means something!
ICF accreditation requirements are quite complex, so please do your due diligence via the ICF website.  Here is one example: The ICF requires ACC, PCC and MCC portfolio applicants to be coached for a minimum of 10 hours over a minimum of 3 months by a qualified Mentor Coach.
Typical Format of Mentor Coaching Calls
The format of each of my mentor coaching calls is:
- A brief discussion with focus on one of the ICF Core Competencies
- 25-30 minutes of coaching where I observe you coach. Usually, in advance of our session, you will provide me with a recording of a coaching session you recorded with a client.
- Debrief and friendly, constructive feedback from me on your coaching.
You can read more about the ICF credentialing process and requirements here.
Service offering is for 10 mentoring sessions.